-$2 -2 breakfast burritos from McDonalds
-$3-2 tacos and a drink from Taco bell for lunch
-$4- Starbucks coffee
-$1- quick snack from the vending machine
-$2- Mcdouble and drink from McDonald for dinner
-$6- In clearance items from target you didn't need, but what a great deal!
-$3- Stop at the Gas station and get a quick snack and drink
-$2- Redbull for a late night study session
-$5 - movie with friends
-$4 - small dinner at cookout with friends after the movie
-$4- Another Starbucks pick me drink
-$3- 3 dollar menu Items from McDonalds
In 5 days you have just spent $39 just buying little things you did not need here and there. For most people this example adds up to much more!
"Counting your Pennies" means to step back and look at how you are spending your money. Where is all that little change going, how do you spend it, and how much does it really add up to?
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